Category Archives: Uncategorized

Taken from The Star newspaper, 4th January 1930

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International Gathering Czech Republic 3rd to 8th August – By Mick Tutt

I attended the International Gathering; but ‘unconventionally’… Having, some time ago, been persuaded by Squire that travel by train was so much more civilised than the 21st century equivalent of ‘cattle-truck’ (airbourne) transporation, I decided to go to Plana courtesy of … Continue reading

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The Sandy Balls Totem Pole

Posted on YouTube by David Bowen

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More photos from Braziers – by Wayne Harker-Gill

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Pringles’ photos from Summer Camp at Braziers

OWC 2012 Summer Camp at Braziers

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Greenwood 1993

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Easter 1981ish at Greenwood

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Pringles’ photos from Summer Camp 2011

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Summer Camp Photos

Broadoak 2011 Click here for more photo’s

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Easter 2010

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